Non-Surgical Spinal Treatment In Brooklyn, NY
Non-Surgical Spinal Treatment In Brooklyn, NY
“Despite all my research and advocacy work, my focus remains on patient care.”
Dr. Baron Lonner, Director
Scoliosis and other spinal anomalies impact quality of life for millions of US children, adolescents and adults. While surgery is often necessary to correct these, non-invasive treatments are being turned to more frequently. Advances in clinical understanding and the findings of medical research have made non-surgical interventions more sought after, because they’ve made them more effective.
Our mission at Scoliosis and Spine Associates is improving patient quality of life. We’re dedicated to offering patients viable alternatives to surgery to relieve pain and support normative function. We believe in non-surgical approaches based on the highest level of research-based evidence. Non-surgical interventions can work for many people living with abnormalities of the spine.
The Scoliosis and Spine team believes in treating our patients like members of our own families, with compassion and a steadfast commitment to their wellbeing.
Collaborative care.
The cornerstone of any medical treatment is patient engagement. We invite our patients to participate in their therapy, through an intentional process of empowerment and education. Our doctors and patients work as therapeutic teams, embarking on a journey of healing, toward an enhanced quality of life.
When patients have an active stake in their own treatment, they gain a better understanding of their own bodies. This helps them develop the crucial skill of listening to the messages their bodies send. At Scoliosis and Spine, our team’s transparency and honesty serves the indispensable bond of trust that must be established between doctors and patients for treatment to be successful.
Engaging with non-surgical spinal treatment in Brooklyn, NY like postural realignment and targeted exercise, patients embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. They’re given the ability to detect the subtle changes non-surgical spinal treatment in Brooklyn, NY is creating in their bodies.
Our patients often report decreased muscle fatigue and increased stamina, achieved through strengthening the muscles of the back and core, before we’re aware of it ourselves. That’s genuine empowerment.
Baron Lonner, MD.
Dr. Lonner is our facility’s Director and an internationally-acclaimed expert in scoliosis and other deformities of the spine. Professor of orthopedic surgery at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Dr. Lonner has earned many awards and peer accolades for his ground-breaking work.
In the vanguard of research into non-surgical spinal treatment of scoliosis, Dr. Lonner is a member of the Board of the Scoliosis Research Society. He shares this award-winning expertise with our patients in Brooklyn, NY.
Scoliosis and Spine Associates.
Non-surgical spinal treatment in Brooklyn, NY offers hope to people of all ages with spinal anomalies in need of intervention. From the Scroth Method, to scoliosis-specific Yoga and Pilates, to tailored bracing systems and collaborative physical therapy, the team at Scoliosis and Spine Associates serves patients with the latest non-surgical solutions. Our patient-centered focus engages patients with collaborative care that supports them on their journey to wellness.
If you’re struggling with a spinal anomaly, the Scoliosis and Spine team is ready to support you with non-surgical spinal treatment in Brooklyn, NY. Contact us.