Dr. Baron Lonner Brings ScoliScan Radiation-Free Scoliosis Screening Technology To The East Coast
Have you ever worried about the radiation that you or your child receives from countless medical x-rays? We are very proud to announce that our office is now equipped with one of the first DIERS Formetric Radiation-Free Scanners (ScoliScan) for Scoliosis screenings in the United States. The DIERS Scanner (ScoliScan) is a fast, radiation-free and clinically accurate method which can be used to screen new patients or follow-up patients who have Scoliosis or Kyphosis.
The scanner consists of a camera, a computer and a precise light source. The scanner takes a very special picture of a patient’s back and the camera’s computer uses this information to create a 3D reconstruction of the patient’s spine. The scan takes only seconds and is performed right in our office. Dr. Lonner can then view the patient’s spine in multiple dimensions, analyzing a curve in the patient’s spine, an imbalance in their hips or a rotation in their chest cavity due to their scoliosis.
The computer’s measurements are clinically accurate and are as reliable as measurements taken on an x-ray. There are absolutely no risks to the patient; there is no contact with the machine and absolutely no radiation. Almost any patient can receive a scan and the application of its results on a patient’s treatment is invaluable.
We are very excited to bring this safe and effective cutting-edge technology to all of our patients as we continue to provide the best possible care to patients with spinal deformities.
Patient 1: Note the surface topography improvements after surgery.
Patient 2: Surgical correction results in restoration of body shape as shown by the preoperative and postoperative Scoliscan views.
Patient 3: Different views of the Scoliscan show improvements in body shape with correction of the patient’s spinal deformity.
Patient 4: Another example of improvements in body shape following corrective surgery.